More seasonal heirlooms! Hangin with Vive’s Boston Therapeutic Team at Hope and Olive in Greenfield, MA. Love this farm to table vibe! Great, great, place!
Sushi Zanmai
When in Boise
Barbacoa Restaurant in Boise, Idaho! What a cool restaurant! Had to post a video of this meal. The steak is served on a rock that is 700 degrees. When in Boise this place is a must. Great food great company.
Post by David Herz.
A Little Taste of Everything in NYC
The Cubano in Denver
The Kitchen in Boulder
To all my work colleagues in my awesome beloved industry. As I plan my travel schedule for next year I look forward to seeing you at conferences, programs, in your offices and out eating good food! Enjoy your Holidays and if you come to my neck of the woods I’ll take you to one of my favorite joints, The Kitchen!