Home Grown is just wonderful. I can’t say it any better than there website does:
Sure, you may have seen something similar to this here and there in other places. Locally grown produce. OK, that’s been done before. Fresh ingredients, that’s nothing new. A tasty meal that delights your taste buds without clogging your arteries? A challenge. But we’re not the first to pull it off.
But here’s the kicker… toss all those ingredients in a big ol’ cooking pot, stir them up, and add a super low… I mean SUPER ridiculously low price to it all. That’s what Home grown is all about. Lisa Spooner, former school teacher and Kevin Clark, renowned fine dining chef open what’s been termed the ‘next-gen’ meat-and-three in Reynoldstown, a vibrant community in east Atlanta. Their quaint restaurant offers a welcome bright spot that blooms brightly in a drab strip of Memorial Drive, in the heart of working-class Atlanta. It not only brightens the landscape, it brightens the bellies of everyone in the community.
I love this place and the Comfy Chicken Biscuit served open faced blanketed in sausage gravy was outstanding!